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return false; } else { layui.data('vaeAdmin_lock', { key: 'lock' ,value: value }); layer.close(index); layer.prompt({ btn: ['解锁'], title: ['屏幕已锁定,请输入解锁密码','background:'+theme[0]+';color:'+theme[1]], closeBtn: 0, formType: 1 }, function (value, index, elem) { if (value.length < 1) { layer.msg('请输入解锁密码'); return false; } else { if(value == layui.data('vaeAdmin_lock').lock){ layer.close(index); $(".yy").hide(); //清除密码 layui.data('vaeAdmin_lock', { key: 'lock' ,remove: true }); layer.msg('解锁成功,欢迎回来!'); }else{ layer.msg('密码错误', {anim: 6, time: 1000}); return false; } } }); } }); }); /** * 点击头像修改资料 * @Author 听雨 * @DateTime 2020-03-12 * @param {[type]} ){ layer.open({ type: 2, content:"/index.php/admin/index/editAdminInfo", title:["修改个人信息",'background:'+theme[0]+';color:'+theme[1]], area: ['50%', '50%'] }) } [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ $('#thumb').click(function(){ layer.open({ type: 2, content:"/index.php/admin/index/editAdminInfo", title:["修改个人信息",'background:'+theme[0]+';color:'+theme[1]], area: ['50%', '50%'] }) }) /** * 便签 * @Author 听雨 * @DateTime 2020-03-11 * @param {[type]} ) { layer.confirm("确定要锁定账户吗?", function (index) { layer.close(index); $(".yy").show(); layer.prompt({ btn: ['确定'], title: '输入密码解锁(123456)', closeBtn: 0, formType: 1 } [description] * @param {[type]} function (value, index, elem) { if (value [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ $("#note").click(function () { let note = layui.data('vaeAdmin_note').note || '这是一个本地的便签'; layer.prompt({ formType: 2, value: note, title: ['便签','background:'+theme[0]+';color:'+theme[1]], area: ['280px', '140px'], //自定义文本域宽高 offset: ['50px', 'calc(100% - 400px)'], btn: false, shade: 0, id: "vae_admin_index_note" }); $('#vae_admin_index_note').bind('input propertychange','textarea',function(){ var text = $('#vae_admin_index_note textarea').val(); layui.data('vaeAdmin_note', { key: 'note' ,value: text }); }); }); /** * 清除系统缓存 * @Author 听雨 * @DateTime 2020-03-09 * @param {[type]} e){ var that [description] * @param {[type]} 1000) } else { layer.tips(res.msg,that); $("[vaeyo-loading]").hide(); } } }) } [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ $("#vae-del-cache").on('click', function(e){ var that = $(this); layer.confirm('确定要清空系统缓存吗?', {icon: 3, title:['警告','background:'+theme[0]+';color:'+theme[1]]}, function(index){ //do something if(that.attr('class') === 'clearThis'){ layer.tips('正在努力清理中...',that); return false; } layer.tips('正在清理系统缓存...',that); that.attr('class','clearThis'); $.ajax({ url:"/index.php/admin/index/cacheClear", success:function(res){ that.attr('class',''); if(res.code == 200){ setTimeout(function(){ layer.tips(res.msg,that); },1000) } else { layer.tips(res.msg,that); } } }) layer.close(index); }); }) /** * 主题 * @Author 听雨 * @DateTime 2020-03-09 * @param {[type]} color){ layer.msg("换个颜色换种心情"); } [description] * @param {[type]} change: function(color){ var RgbValue [description] * @return {Function} [description] */ colorpicker.render({ elem: '#vae-color' ,color: theme ? theme[0] : '#009688' ,format: 'rgb' ,predefine: true // ,alpha: true ,size: "xs" ,done: function(color){ var RgbValue = color.replace("rgba(", "").replace(")", ""); var RgbValueArry = RgbValue.split(","); var $grayLevel = RgbValueArry[0] * 0.299 + RgbValueArry[1] * 0.587 + RgbValueArry[2] * 0.114; var thatColor; if ($grayLevel >= 192) { thatColor = "#000000"; } else {   thatColor = "#ffffff"; } layui.data('vaeAdmin_theme', { key: 'color' ,value: [color,thatColor] }); layer.msg("主题设置成功,双击主题按钮可恢复默认"); } ,change: function(color){ var RgbValue = color.replace("rgba(", "").replace(")", ""); var RgbValueArry = RgbValue.split(","); var $grayLevel = RgbValueArry[0] * 0.299 + RgbValueArry[1] * 0.587 + RgbValueArry[2] * 0.114; var thatColor; if ($grayLevel >= 192) { thatColor = "#000"; } else {   thatColor = "#fff"; } //左侧菜单选中时的主题颜色 document.styleSheets[1].cssRules[0].style.background=color; document.styleSheets[1].cssRules[0].style.color=thatColor; // tab主题颜色 document.styleSheets[1].cssRules[1].style.color=color; theme = [color,thatColor]; layer.msg("您正在预览主题,点击确定完成主题设置"); } }); $('#vae-color').on('dblclick', function(e){ layui.data('vaeAdmin_theme', { key: 'color' ,remove: true }); //左侧菜单选中时的主题颜色 document.styleSheets[1].cssRules[0].style.background='#009688'; 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